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Friday, June 29, 2018

Can We Do it Again?

Back in 1985, when Donald Trump was still an actual developer in NYC, he wanted to build a sprawling complex of buildings on the far west side of Manhattan that would become known as Trump City. In those days, The Donald had dreams of permanently changing the the landscape and skyline of NYC, making him into a new-fangled Robert Moses.

Trump failed. His city never got built. He faced massive opposition from the city government and community boards, and his dreams of Trump City evaporated. 

He never became Robert Moses. Instead, he became president. 

It's frightening that the same kind of opposition that defeated this weak narcissist thirty-plus years ago doesn't exist today while he destroys our Constitution and America's standing in the world. But, if we're lucky, hopefully voters across America this November will be the new city government and community boards that hand Trump another massive defeat. 

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