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Monday, June 25, 2018

The Devils We Don't Know

If you read the previous thing I just posted, it's about how the horror show that is the Donald Trump presidency -- the lies, the racism, the corruption, the incompetence, the gaslighting, etc. etc. etc. -- is only sustained because ... guess what, people voted for him! Because we the people -- at least enough of us (not me and, hopefully, not you but enough) voted for this monster, enabling his rise to power, serving as conduits for this gas bag of vileness to stream its way into the highest reaches of American power.

He didn't do it alone -- quite the opposite! 62 million people helped him by knowingly casting their precious vote -- the only thing that separates us from tyranny, the only real power we hold over our government -- for an evil man. They did this. We did this. Trump is not the ultimate monster -- the 62 million who supported him are.

And that's what's most scary -- the people who assist monsters to make their reigns of terror possible. These shadowy people, these devils we don't know, and they're more frightening than the devils we know.  

In criminal law, we call people like that accomplices and they are considered just as guilty as the perpetrators of the crime. If only we could impeach, not only Trump, but the tens of millions of wretched people who voted for him.

Here's another example of a devil we didn't know (until now): one of the people who enables Harvey Weinstein to rape women. He's a prominent, respectable person, a big time businessman. What's especially chilling about this story is how people like this made abuse so institutionalized, so structured, so ... business-like. And how the devils we know get so much help, so much support, from the devil's we don't. 

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