Wednesday, February 27, 2019

Why Jumaane Won

Here's a quick rundown, some lessons learned, from the special election for Public Advocate:

1. Strong candidates like Jumaane can win votes across neighborhoods and boroughs. Voters are not necessarily loyal to candidates from their districts or boroughs -- they vote for whoever they think is the best candidate, even in a field of 17. Candidates matter

2. Oddly timed special elections = extremely low voter turnout. Not surprising. 

3. For the all the heat and controversy, the failed Amazon deal played no part in the outcome. Voters did not revolt, did not rise up en masse in favor of corporate tax breaks/backroom deals/union-busting -- and thus Ulrich, the only candidate who supported the deal without reserve, lost big. Media hysteria doesn't necessarily translate into votes. People vote their core, unwavering values

4. The New York Times endorsement is still hella powerful.

5. This is a 4-1 Democratic town.

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