Monday, May 20, 2019

Crazy S*%t!

So let's say you're dating some dame -- and she's hot.

Then let's say one day she asks you, "Hey, can you set me up with a hit man to kill my ex-husband, and your daughter?" Oh, and she's also a New York City police officer!

Yeah, that's some crazy s@#t right there!

Believe it or not, this really happened - a female cop asked her boyfriend to do this and he set her up with the FBI and now she's busted. Apparently, before all this, she'd been married twice, been put on reduced duty, and both her husbands had restraining orders on her. And yet she remained on the force! 

She's some wild broad. I'm sure she'll have LOTS of fun in prison! NY Finest ...

By the way, if some hot woman I was dating asked me to be an accomplice in a crime, especially one against my own kid, I'd have to seriously re-evaluate the relationship. I mean, I know hot chicks can get away with a lot of stuff but asking a guy to get into murder, especially against his children, is just asking too much.

P.S. I'm only joking about this because, mercifully, no one got hurt and this nut is in jail. But, lordy, what kind of people are becoming NYPD officers these days?

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