Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Memo from NYC

Let's face it: these new highly restrictive abortion laws in Alabama, Missouri, and elsewhere are really based on one thing: hatred.

Hatred of women but also hatred of poor women and poor women of color. It's two-headed monsters of classcism and racism intertwined. 

This isn't about "protecting life" or "protecting the unborn" -- it's intentional cruelty and punishing women and their families. Forcing women to have children they don't want, then limiting all the social welfare programs these women need to help raise these kids, is a form of social control. How can you progress in your education, your career, your finances, your life, if you are burdened with responsibilities you don't want and can't handle? These laws are about shattering lives and families that are already troubled and broken, making it infinitely harder to advance their socioeconomic well-being.

Wealthy women, especially wealthy white ladies, will still get their abortions, they don't have to worry. They won't be burdened by these laws -- and they know it. That's why so many white female politicians support these evil laws -- they know it won't apply to them, white privilege at its most vile. 

So my message to the people in these states who support these awful laws: when you get angry and resentful that the rest of the country look on you as a bunch of uneducated, bigoted, slack jawed, repulsive racists and haters -- guess why? It's because of stuff like this! 

Here in NYC, we have strong abortion protections and good social services so that's just one reason, amongst so many others, that we should be grateful we live here.   

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