Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Run Sacklers Run!

Well, my previous post about how to live in disgrace in NYC seems to have been ahead of the curve!

Probably the most reviled family name in town right now that isn't Trump is Sackler -- the family that owns Perdue Pharma which produces OxyContin.

Oxy, as I'm sure you all know, is the #1 abused opiate (or is it opioid?) in the country, devastating families and whole regions of the country. People misuse their prescriptions or get the drugs illegally and get hooked real fast. It's become an epidemic, much like crack was 25 years ago, with lots of people dying very suddenly. It's a made in America, corporate-made horror show.  

Let me tell you, oxy is some seroius stuff: I had a minor operation a few years ago and, in the recovery room, took an Oxy the nurses gave me -- wow, it's like being drunk without any of the nausea or heaviness or exhaustion, it feels really, really, really good. Having heard the horror stories, and since I wasn't in much post-op pain, I didn't take any of the oxy prescribed by my doctor because I was scared I might get hooked. It was certainly the right decision. 

Anyway, the Sacklers not only produced this dangerous drug but have, for years, secretly encouraged its over-perscription and abuse. Needless to say, its made them billionaires many times over. For years, the anger over the Oxy crises was directed at Perdue Pharma, not the Sacklers themselves -- but that's changing. Now the family is facing more and more scrutiny -- so some of them are getting out of town, moving to -- where else? -- Florida.

I guess if you can't take living in disgrace in the NYC kitchen, you get out and go to Palm Beach. 

Unlike the gross Trumps, the Sacklers were highly respected patrons of the arts and philanthropy. They endowed museums, including the Sackler Wing at the Met. They are uber cultured, uber sophisticated, and, until now, uber respected society figures -- and it was all based on human misery.

An old, old story remade for the 21st century.

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