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Monday, December 1, 2008

And as Hillary and Holder move up ...

... Plaxico Burress goes down.

How did Plaxico fall so far, so fast?

He may be a Super Bowl winning player and I guess we Giant fans are lucky to have him (I guess) but this guy is a walking -- or limping right now -- disaster. Plaxico doesn't show up to practice, acts bratty on the field, has had various scraps with the law in the past, and now is probably headed to jail for shooting himself in the leg!

I know that American culture is all about winning, beating the other guy and basking in glory; we put this ethos above anything and everything else. And perhaps it's not for us football fans to judge any player beyond their performance in games (judge not less he be judged, etc.). Still, he's a an embarrassment for NYC and a poor role model for the young'uns. Sad.

1 comment:

  1. I still think Plaxico sounds like something you should take when you have blood clots or something.


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