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Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Is this funny?

I'm not as outraged as some about this SNL skit but, then again, I'm not blind. And does Governor Paterson really love cocaine? I didn't know he was that cool!

That said, David Paterson "saw" the economic crises coming before a lot of other so-called leaders with perfect vision. He was talking about it back in July and he has been working really hard since then to keep this state afloat. He hasn't been shy about making tough decisions and standing up to special interests. And while SNL might not like him, Governor Paterson's approval rating among New Yorkers is high.

Compared to the Governor of Illinois -- who when he's not busy shaking people down for cash doesn't even bother showing up for work -- or our current soon-to-be-ex-president who has shown zero leadership in this crises, New Yorkers are lucky to have David Paterson who's actually, you know, trying to solve our problems. What an original idea.

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